
“Our heart is restless until we rest in you.” -Augustine

Too many things prompt us to feel restless. The world is volatile, changing, uncertain, and ever-broken. How, then, could we ever believe we find our true hope in the world?

It certainly seems possible. Everything we may think we need, the world appears to offer. Yet, something within us always remains empty at the end of the day. We long for something, anything, to complete us.

As we spend our days searching, our hearts remain restless. Unable to relax. Searching for rest. Bored. Anxious. Apprehensive. Impatient. Curious. Uncertain. A host of draining emotions. Sound familiar? It does to me. It saddens me to admit that more days than not, I experience at least one of these. It feels so… tiring.


The story doesn’t have to end with what the world offers. There is more to life, so much more. The world prompts us to turn to a creator who does offer what we are truly looking for. It points us to where true life begins. And it begins with what God, the God of the Bible, offers.

Through Jesus Christ, God offers us an invitation into a personal connection, a relationship, with himself. An umbilical cord to all the nutrients of life we truly need and want. Hope. Security. Truth. Love. Purpose. Acceptance. Fulfillment.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, our hearts are always yearning. Yearning for something real. Something that follows through on its promises. Something that redeems us and makes us come alive. God offers this freely. Day after day, He invites us to accept it and “...put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.” (Colossians 3:10)

What stops you from accepting His offer today?



“I am wonderful.”


Have you settled in?